The TRUTH about Sports

What’s Going on in LAKERLAND?!?!

lakers-suckHaving watched all the Lakers games this season, the level of frustration has not only surpassed my wildest nightmares, but depending on the game I’ve watched, every Laker has taken a piece of the blame.  I can’t just blame Mike D’Antoni.  I do remember though how much better the NY Knicks became after they fired him.  But c’mon, a team with Steve Nash, Kobe Bryant, Pau Gasol and Dwight Howard and you can’t even win 50% of your games? Here’ my take, if anyone cares: Steve Nash: I understand he’s old, but c’mon, how many momentum killing turnovers can you have… CLEAN IT UP. Kobe Bryant’s biggest problem is holding onto the ball too long and taking WAAAAYYY too many shots…SWING IT AROUND BUDDY! Dwight Howard, I know you’re injured but ho about some intensity.  You’re supposed to be Superman for pete’s sake…. and STOP SMILING! As for Pau Gasol, I honestly feel for this guy.  He’s been playing out of position for a long time now.  Get your ass on the block.  Stop shooting anything outside the paint. And DEMAND THAT YOU START!!! I’m watching the Lakers up 10 points against the Jazz at the half but I’m not feeling comfortable.  The Lakers always blow it in the 2nd half.  Let’s see if they can pick up their 3 win of the year… I mean it almost February, why not!

January 26, 2013 Posted by | NBA BASKETBALL | Leave a comment